Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

   Today Lyla had another bronchoscopy and the post chest x-ray showed results! I saw the before and after x-rays and could see the difference with my untrained eyes;) below is a picture of the  'after'.
The 'before' picture was foggier in Lyla's upper right. So they are slowly bringing down her vent settings to work on getting the ventilator removed. I will be so glad for that thing to be out. There is almost always something Lyla is being sedated for (since she's so wiggly) so she is asleep a lot, but when she's awake I can't help but think about how that feels in her mouth and how much it's probably making her unhappy. She actually was awake for awhile today and she was upset. She doesn't make any sound because of the ventilator, but she kept wincing and her shoulders were shrugging like she was crying. And every once in awhile she would make a coughing sound like she was trying to get a really big cry out. Broke me heart to not be able to do anything to help her. Can't hold her, can't hear her, can't comfort her.
   Fluid in chest tube is having a little less output. Unfortunately, I think that is something that might take a while to stop, but hope it's soon so they will start talking about feeding her again.


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