Today was a big day for Lyla. Her breathing tube was removed! The nurse (Cheryl) said she was "middle ground" after it was removed. They have her on high flow, at 10L. Throughout the day she did a little better and her "gasses" (blood gas) checked out good as well. So hopefully all will continue through the night and they can turn down the flow tomorrow. There is a lot of air flowing through the nose cannulas, and fast. It was kind of funny when Lyla would breathe out, it was like a gust of wind and would blow my hair around. She also was making lots of bubbles from her mouth because of this.

Heart rate was kind of low today, 85-120. Cheryl seemed to think because she was really relaxed and more comfortable without the breathing tube.
The pacers wires were also removed.
Had a hard time peeing today. Her bladder was really full, so Cheryl did a quick catheter to get her pee to come out. She got 68ccs! Her lasix is given Q12, so she is only getting it twice a day. And she is very dependent on that in order to pee.
Weening her off morphine. Now at .04
Oh yeah, and I got to hold her:)
Wow! You guys have been through so much! We are glad to hear of the progression, despite it seeming to come bit by bit.