Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 24

  Yesterday was a much better day for Lyla. She had a lot of sleep and hardly cried. I'm hoping that means she was feeling better and that made me feel better too. She had some bouncy seat time and then I got to hold her. While holding her yesterday I noticed the pillow was wet. At first I thought it was just sweat, but it was a lot and she wasn't that hot. Turns out the line in her shoulder was leaking. Only one of the two lines going in was leaking, but dr. Raff wanted to move it to her other shoulder anyway. The good thing was that they were moving it because of a leak rather than a clot.

   So today they sedated her to move the line and she became too relaxed and they had to intubate. Luckily it was only while they put the line in and then they took it back out. But I think she was/is a little uncomfortable from the process because she seems a little fussy and easily irritable. While sleeping she was grimacing and crying out (still no voice). But she got an extra dose of Ativan and I think that helped. Then after that I noticed some nasal flaring, which usually means she is working harder to breathe. At first the nurse was going to ask about going up on the high flow, but then she realized she was due for a respiratory treatment. There isn't any nasal flaring now, but her breaths are shallow. O2 is hovering around 99 and 100.
She has smaller nose cannulas now. Also, she looks like she has a mustache and a beard, but it's stuff they use to help tape (from being intubated) to stick well. 


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