Today Lyla had the breathing tube removed. This is her second time being extubated and luckily only after 5 days. It has only been 8 hours, but so far her numbers are looking good. Right before the tube is removed they check for airflow and couldn't hear anything. The Dr was really hesitant about removing the tube for fear that Lyla would "fail" but because of the tube size and Lyla's numbers, the Dr felt it would be ok. So I'm really hoping Lyla continues to do well on her own.
Other updates:
Getting fed ND ( tube through nose down to small intestine)- concern for micro aspirations and therefore feeds are ND rather then in tummy
Off morphine on methadone to help ween
IV in neck was removed today after I noticed it looked swollen around the site. Cheryl successfully got one in her right hand. (And on the first try!)
Replaced mic-key button with a smaller length- this is the "button" in her tummy. It is being held inside with a small inflated "balloon". The part that is inserted into her tummy is now shorter and therefor will help stop any food from leaking out.
She has a sore on the right side of her mouth from the tube. Left side is red.
Rash under her neck ("looks yeasty") cream ordered.
Seems to be more comfortable without breathing tube, and without line in her neck.
We can hold her again!
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