Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 38, New Line

 This morning Dr. S tried to rewire the central line so we could avoid having to put a new one in somewhere else. I know this is a teaching hospital, but I wish they wouldn't teach on my baby. It's just not comforting to know that this dr has never done the procedure before and hearing another dr telling her what to do. In the end she wasn't able to rewire... They are thinking the wire kept running into a clot, keeping it from going in correctly. So now there is a line in her neck for drugs, but they had to go into her groin for the other stuff. But they still need the central line (to her heart).
  Also, her g-tube site is leaking, so they are going to deflate and refill the balloon that is keeping it from coming out of her belly in the inside and hope that solves the problem. I am not optimistic.
    She's pretty heavily sedated, which is nice because she doesn't have to feel all this stuff going on, but just stinks. We need her to keep her body moving around to help her lungs clear up! She is able to receive IPV treatments (puffs of air into her lungs) again since she's intubated, and that treatment is pretty effective. 
   I had a lot of "How are you doing?" And "How are you holding up?" Along with, "I'm so sorry you have to go through this" from the doctors and nurses today. I'm not 100% sure if it's just because they feel sorry for us that we will have to be there even longer now or if they know something that I don't. 
 We have so much support, prayers, and friends and family thinking about us and we are grateful to know we haven't been forgotten about! 5.5 weeks is a loooong time!

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