I haven't given an update lately because there hasn't been much to report! Lyla looks so much better! She is actually looking older too. (it has been 3 weeks...) At this point she is stable. Her breathing rate has slowed, her O2 stats are good, and she's not spitting up.
Right now the main concern is her weight. We have to get her bigger so she can be ready and strong for her surgery. (At this point we still don't know when the surgery will be. Or which one it will be) Dr. Evans explained today that they would like to see her consistently gaining over 5-7 days. Then they will try feeds through the Gtube. If she doesn't tolerate her feeds this way, GI will probably step in and assess. She will likely get a tube(J Tube?) placed to take her feeds from the Mic-Key button to her small intestine so they can take the ND tube out. However, they will still need to insert a NG tube (down nose to tummy) for us to administer her medicines.
Received RSV vaccination
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