Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I feel like the last month Lyla has really been making some progress. It has been incredible to watch. She can clap, wave, sign momma (mostly), and put her arms up on command. She is sitting herself in support (tripod) more and more everyday and now will lift up one hand for a few seconds!

She is way more interactive and smiley. It also doesn't take a whole performance to make her laugh a little. She will get on her hands and knees and rock back and forth. And we are happy to see some chubby thighs!

some stats for us to remember
  Currently at 38ml/hr- working on increasing to get her rate high enough to decrease how many hours she's connected to the pump.
  Weighs 18lbs!!!!!
  Still in rear facing car seat, but she is growing so fast!
  Still in the cradle at night due to her frequently waking up in the night to spit up (which has decreased) and/or fussing because of gas.
  We have dropped a few prescribed vitamins.
     No more vitamin D or Iron
     Lasix 1mlx2
     Spironolactone .4mlx2
     Probiotic at night
     Prilosec at night

 She loves to roll right over to Parker if he sits or lays on the floor and has to either tap on him or get her feet and legs on him. It is super cute.
 First time playing in the sand and she was enjoying herself. Even sampled it:)
Really gets jumping in this thing. It helps when big sister jumps along with her. She gives the biggest smiles for that.