This month Lyla has been slowly lifting both hands from the ground while she is sitting. Sometimes she'll grab a toy or whatever is around and play with it for a few seconds. But usually it's to clap her hands. She's very proud of herself. She also is turning herself around while in the sitting position. She's not quite upright and she still spends the majority of time on her rolling around and on her back, but we are still seeing more and more of her sitting up. And every once in awhile she will get on her hands and knees for a few seconds.
We went to the speech therapist and have since been working on giving Lyla a little bit (5ml) of almond milk twice a day and also food tastes (dipping the spoon in puree and touching it to her tongue). She loves the milk and even reaches out and pulls for it back to her mouth! I've seen her increase the time she wants it in her mouth. Which is sometimes too long even though she's comfortable because she has spit up afterward. With food tastes she was pushing away the food at first and not even wanting it, but now she will open her mouth for some! These are just small progressions but huge for Lyla!
We've also been able to continue to increase her pump feeds. After visiting the GI last (above photo), Lyla is now getting 60ml/hr for 16 hours! In the morning her food ends at 6 am and I'm able to take her, pump free, to drop off Parker at school! It's so much easier picking her up out of the car without a backpack and cords following that I have to be careful for and worry about clipping onto the stroller and moving out of the way! The break in the morning is the longest from 6am-9am. But works out wonderfully since she doesnt spit up a ton of milk during school drop off (nothing in her tummy). She still spits up, but not the same amounts.
She has also been bearing more weight on her legs! When you lift her up, she doesn't stretch her legs down to standing position. Instead they just curl up. But we've been working on her standing from the sitting position. She sits on a short little step stool and stands holding onto the couch. She will even stand if you ask her too! (while sitting on the step stool)
She also went to her first Sacramento Rivercats game! I think she had a good time.