Lyla is home, and feeling pretty good about it. I feel like we've entered a new phase of our lives, moving out of the birth and anxiety for surgery phase, and into the post surgery phase of Lyla's life. Organs are now functioning as they should, so we're working to develop stronger muscles in her, including muscles she'll need to hold her head up. The hardest thing so far has been that in the hospital "sleeping good at night" means only getting up 2 or 3 times. But add in 2 feeding pump changes, and meds at 10, 12, 3 & 6, you're talking about getting up and out of bed about 9 times overnight. Luckily our calendar is wide open in the wee hours.
Sheena, however, is kicking butt at her new job as nurse. It seriously is a full time job involving tons of planning and preparation. In the picture, you can see how intense our list making has been of late.
We're starting to get glimpses of what Lyla's 'likes" are. We constantly have a wide variety of music playing in the house, everything from latin reggae to Vivaldi, to The Muppets soundtrack, but of course her favorite is the fake computer music that comes out of her leap frog doll 'Violet'. She also loves the babbling brook white noise sound from her sleep sheep that we repeatedly turn on for her while sleeping.